Saturday, April 10, 2010

Shona Zvidawo & Totems

The Shona-speaking peoples of Zimbabwe use several cultural markers to identify a person and to show their origin. The most important cultural marker is one's totem (usually in the form of an animal). My totem - mutupo in Shona - is Mhara/antelope. Male members of the Mhara totemic lineage go by the honorific name of *Chikonamombe* ( *mombe* means cow in Shona). The honorific name, *Chikonamombe* can also be rendered as *Chikonan'ombe* . In Shona, this honorific name is known as a *chidawo*.

Zvidawo (plural of chidawo) can also be used as family names, hence *James Chikonamombe*. Every totemic lineage has a praise poem that is associated with that lineage. A single line of this praise-poem is called a *detembo*; several lines are called *madetembo*, and to be showered with praise using your lineage praise-poem is known as *kudetembedzwa* .

Here are some lines from my lineage praise-poem: Mbuya Chikonamombe, chigumbu chinounye... ....Gusho, vari Rare.....vari zihota...vemuto munyere....vakazadzwa mhezi neVaranda. The reciting of the praise-poem is often accompanied by the ritual clapping of hands (kuwombera maoko). If you ever see two Zimbabweans clasping and clapping their hands, as they exchange pleasantaries, don't be will actually be witnessing a ritual greeting.

Shona *madetembo* often include ritual attributes of that totemic lineage (sometimes in jest), and some geographic attributes. For example, in ours, there is reference to *vari Rare*. Here, *Rare* refers to an area in Chikomba (my home district) now known as *Range*. During colonial times it was known as *The Range*. In our poem, the line with *vemuto munyere* refers to our legendary love of meat. When Zvikonamombe (plural of Chikonamombe) are at the table then be forewarned: there are no vegetarians in the family, and baby-carrots and mushy peas just won't suffice!

Honorific names are how adult (male) Zimbabweans address one another, either in person or in correspondence (and not by their given family names). For example, PM Morgan Tsvangirai is addressed in person as *Save*, and not *Morgan* or *Morgan Tsvangirai*. You might have read of *Gushungo* in passages about Zimbabwe. The *Gushungo* they are referring to is President Robert Mugabe. The respectful and proper way to address President Mugabe in person is by his lineage honorific name of Gushungo, and not *Bob* or *Robert*.


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Unknown said...

when we were kids we were actually forced to sing chidawo and am proud of being a mhara, maromo , manyuka

Anonymous said...

I'm proud of my fore fathers . Vana Mukuruwambwa ' Chuma ' Moyana ' Gora

Unknown said...

Does anyone know of a totem called Kumbi and what animal or what it symbolises?

James Chikonamombe said...

Kudzai Mutuwa: Off the top-of-my-head, I couldn't answer your question. I would have to do some research. I'm presuming that "Kumbi" might be a word used in one of the other Shona dialects, like Chi-KoreKore or Chi-Ndau, and that it's also used as a totem. An example of this would be Tembo/Samaita, which are both used as totems and which mean the same thing (Zebra).

Unknown said...

James Chikonamombe: I managed to find get it thanks. It is the Tortoise and the females are called anaMaChuma.
I also wondered, all along have thought females from the Elephant Totem are referred to as aChihoro. Of i am wrong, could someone correct me as this is my totem as well. i would hate to go around calling myself by the wrong name :)

James Chikonamombe said...

Kudzai Mutuwa: That's good news. I was thinking that this might be one of those clan-names which are used by the females of the line and are relatively unknown to the general public.

Anonymous said...

Where else cn I get vana Chikonamomb besides kuMhondoro.I also want e history. Pliz help

James Chikonamombe said...

"Anonymous": VanaChikonamombe are mostly in Mhondoro-Wedza-Chikomba, with a small group around Mvuma and another smaller group in the Sanyati-Gokwe area (who moved there during colonial times). Email me with your address (and name) at and we can talk some more, about history etc.

Anonymous said...

Makadii vanhu,taurai kunana chikonamombe vese munyika muno zvizere kwete kusirira kwaya kabva Chikonamombe

Anonymous said...

I want 2 knw m0re abt mutup0 Gushung0 lyk unodetembwa sei vakadzi vacho van0daidzwa vachinzi anani?

Anonymous said...

want to know the origin of vanoyera humba vanobvepi ?

James Chikonamombe said...

To "anonymous":

Vanoyera Humba vanobva kuManicaland...but of-course, like other lineages, they are now scattered all over Zimbabwe with some in Buhera and some in Chikomba.

Anonymous said...

how did totems began and wat was their purpose?

James Chikonamombe said...

To "anonymous": I wish you had left your last-name, clan-name or totem, and then I could have answered your question much better. Totems began as a way to establish a group-identity amongst a specific group of people living in a set, geographic area.

Totems were also a "calling-card", for members of a certain lineage when they were amongst different peoples of different lineages; In other words: amongst strangers, you knew who your kinsmen were.

matundundu maromo said...

please indepth info on mbizi/tembo totem.presently come from buhera area.heard many times claims these people trace ancestry from sena people north of the zambezi in/around present tete/sena in mozambique.


James Chikonamombe said...

Matundundu Maromo:

Aaron C. Hodza, Aeneas Chigwedere, S. Mudenge (as well as David Beach) all discuss at length nhetembo nemadzinza eZimbabwe. Start from there for info on Mbizi/Tembo totem. You also want to delve into the books of Aaron Chiundura Moyo, who incorporates the histories of the various Rozvi Changamires into his writings. I hope this info will get you going.

Anonymous said...

Machuma ndiGwai...

Josh said...

Interesting topic by the way, I think this is a part of our heritage that's often neglected to our own detriment as a people. Besides their use as lineage "calling cards", totems might have also been established to avoid inbreeding/incest. In the Shona culture generally people of the same totem were not supposed to marry - although there were few exceptions to this rule. In the old days children would often take their father's first names as their surnames thus fraternal cousins could end up with different surnames - the only way to determine relations down the generations was then by the use the unchanging totem.

Unknown said...

vaera gwaii vanodetemberwa seyi? please help

James Chikonamombe said...

I haven't compiled a list of all nhetembo. I would have to direct you to the books of Aeneas Chigwedere and Aaron Hodza.

Unknown said...

can someone tell me the relationship between nyati and nhari.uyu mutupo mumwe chete here

James Chikonamombe said...

VaChibedu, please look at the previous comments posted.


Unknown said...

Mr James, mungandipewo madetembero ana nyati here. Thanx in advance kana munawo mutupo uyu, please send it to

James Chikonamombe said...

Hello Mr Nyathi. First of all, I noticed you spell your name as "Nyathi" as opposed to "Nyati". Are you a Ndebele-speaking "Nyathi" (of Sotho-Birwa descent)? If you need to know the Nyati nhetembo -- Nyati also rendered as Chipembere kuMaKorekore -- then I'll have to direct you to the books of Hodza or Chigwedere.

teebuzz said...

I just wanted to find out more history about the settlement of the people in Gokwe during colonial times. Im from Gokwe and My father is a Chikonamombe. But somehow his father was born in South Africa. He came to settle in Gokwe during that time.

James Chikonamombe said...

You said, your grand-father was born in SA? Is that correct? Had his father (your great-grandfather) moved to SA? The original Chikonamombe settlement in the Chikomba-Hwedza-Mhondoro region was in pre-colonial times. I'm sure you're aware of that.

During colonial times,people were moved by the colonial authorities (1) to make way for European settlers (2) as a way to alleviate overcrowding in what were then known as "Tribal Trust Lands". That's why you find Zvikonamombe in Gokwe-Sanyati, in Lower-Gweru, in The Lowveld (in Triangle), and in communal areas immediately outside greater Harare, like Chimbwanda.

Anonymous said...

Great piece you have here. And good job at replying the audience, polite and detailed. Keep it up. Its good to see a page pasinawo kutukana pama comments. Kuremekedzana badzi.
Ini ndiri muera Shiri, Hungwe, Chivara. Isu sevanhu kadzi vemutupo, tiri vana Manyoni. While it may be clear as to my origins etc, I do wonder what the bird signifies. Does the general eagle symbolism apply or when it comes to Zimbabwean totems, its different? Moreover, where can I get a detailed book on this particular part our heritage?
Maita :)

Anonymous said...

hi guys.what animal does the totem mbano represent.thnx in advance

Anonymous said...

Humba is Chauke. There are originaly Tsonga and they came to Southern Africa from their original home near the mountains of Gabon in the north.

Anonymous said...

Mbano is not an animal but a fish that looks like a snake ie an eel. It lives in water. If this is your tshidawo then you fall under the Dziva/Siziba totem.

James Chikonamombe said...

Thank you for the comments. Let's keep this conversation going. Can you give us some lines (nhetembo) for vanoyera Dziva.

James Chikonamombe said...

Thank you for the comments. So Humba is Chauke. Can you add anything else in brief (muchidimbu) about the Shangaan/Tsonga Chaukes who live in the Lowveld. Where else do you find Humbas in Zimbabwe? Would love to know.

Anonymous said...

Ko vana humba vanombodetembwa sei

Anonymous said...

Dziva is too broad. It includes many clans scattered around Southern Africa. The main lines that bind the variou clans of the Dziva totem are: " Dziva reMvura- this tells us about the origions. VaMkokomedzi- greatest hunter. VeGanda govu- owners of the land. VaChirwa miseve-those who fight using bows and arrows ie their weapons. Izvi rova mupande! - this denotes their fighting prowess as well as revealing their ability as great rain makers. These lines are common to all those who use the Dziva totem. And of course the greatest one being VaMsikavanhu!
Vemtupo unoyera!
However each clan has its own divergent praises as a result of its own particular experiences.-ie The Gova clan would use M'sayigwa Mapaire!
" VaChigova mpunga
Vachinga govi ndiro yenopi."-this reveals to us the type of food they cherished...

Anonymous said...

Praises for Humba in its original Tsonga goes like this: " VaHlengwe, va dyiva tihumba, xilonga.
I xinyori xa humba xo kangatela eribyeni.
Xa kangatela ribyeni
Xikovele! Xigombe!

James Chikonamombe said...

Thanks for the Tsonga praises. Could we get a Shona translation of the Tsonga praises. Let's keep the conversation going. Ndatenda

James Chikonamombe said...

To MaNyoni: Sorry for the late reply; I've been away for part of December. The best book I can refer you to is "Great Zimbabwe" by Peter S Garlake. He writes about the archeology and the religious significance of the symbols found at Great Zimbabwe. Bear in mind, European colonialists carted off many of the religious symbols and figures of Great Zimbabwe during the colonial era.

The present Chief of the area is Chief Mugabe (of the Moyo totem). Though the Mugabe's (of Masvingo Province) are recent arrivals, having only arrived in the area within the last 200 yrs, their oral history is full of meanings of the symbols found at Great Zimbabwe and history with regards to how Great Zimbabwe was built. I hope what I said will give you a head start. Ndatenda

Tsungai Mutongwizo said...

Wow. James Chikonamombe, you are flying the Mhara flag up high. I am a Maromo, Manyuka and I am so proud of that. 'Kufamba nemuto munyere' also refers to being ready and prepared for anything. Chikonamombe people are the original boy scouts and girl guides who will be resourceful and have spare this and backup that in their bags and cars. Chikonamombes originally came from Malawi but the root here in Zim is Dzvete in Mutoko even though we are in predominantly central areas of Zimbabwe or Zezuru home lands. If you recall the history books speak of the slaying of Chief Mashayamombe by the Native Commissioner as one of the triggers of Chimurenga 1. He was a Chikonamombe.Mashayamombe is the alternative honorific for a Chikonamombe man. The story goes that when the migration from Malawi into what is now Zimbabwe was complete, our ancestors were skilful in tanning or leather work and knew how to make dyes. So they became cattle rustlers. They would skilfully and quickly dye the hide of any cow they rustled. When the poor victim of the rustling would go aorund the area asking if anyone had seen his cow/cows the famous reply from Chikonamombe clan (the perpetrator) would be "Mashaya mombe?" as if in empathy! If you go to the detembo it has a phrase 'Vari dzete, vari zvihota'. I wish someone would post the whole detembo. Mbuya Chikonamombe, chigumbu chine hunye!
The impala is a beautiful, regal, graceful animal. Uncommon!

Unknown said...

Hi James
I am a Tembo and i discovered something interesting. In Swahili language Tembo means Elephant, not knowing if the word Tembo itself is Shona i got confused as to the true origin of the Tembo Totem because it seems it is intepreted to mean Zebra.
Care to shed some light?

James Chikonamombe said...

Hello there, Trevor Tembo. Swahili is a Bantu language and shares similar vocabulary with other Bantu languages like ChiShona and SiNdebele. Mbizi/Tembo/Samaita all mean zebra in various dialects of ChiShona. Tembo is used both as a last-name and as mutupo, for example the late musician Biggie Tembo (Mhosva Marasha), who went by his mutupo of "Tembo".

Vana Tembo can be found in parts of Mash West and Central as well as parts of the Mozambique/Zimbabwe border area (amongst the Chikunda and Tavara people).

Bear in mind we also have Zimbabweans named Tembo whose parents/grandparents migrated to Zimbabwe from neighbouring Zambia and Malawi.


James Chikonamombe said...


Tsungai Mutongwizo: Thanks for the comments nezve dzindza redu. The "Dzete" area from the line "Vari Dzete, Vari Zvihota" is in an area of Murewha District (now under Chief Mangwende veMoyo Chirandu).

It was Muperekwa who migrated from Dzete towards the Mhondoro/Wedza/Chikomba area. Muperekwa is the father of the two brothers Maromo and Mashayamombe, after whom the two Chieftainship dynasties are named.


Anonymous said...

Ndidetembereiwo mutupo unonzi Save , (hove) ,fish not including vkana mvuu

James Chikonamombe said...

Hello there. Please, when commenting on this post don't post anonymously. Put your name and totem, and that way it helps me answer your questions. I'll also advise readers to look through the works of Aaron C. Hodza and Aeneas Chigwedere for a list of detailed nhetembo.

Thank you/ndatenda

farie said...

My wife is a Nhewa and so is my grandmother. Tell me more about these people.

James Chikonamombe said...

Farie, tell me something: how did you get to marry a woman with the same totem as your grandmother?

Unknown said...

Ohoooo I was touched almost shed a tear nekufara maita henyu Chikonamombe maita Gusho maita manyuka zvaonekwa. You are doing a great job my brother I am a Mapara amaromo from Mhondoro kwaMashayamombe. If there is one thing I will always be proud of its my totem. I remember ndichimudiki makombi achangouya ndaipfuura nepacopacabana ndokunzwa munhu achideedza "Chikonaz" I stopped looked for the Chikonaz greated him nemufaro ndokuzoenda hangu, I had found a brother. I just love you all vana gusho maita maita Mukoma James Chikonamombe

James Chikonamombe said...

Tendayi Ndori-Mharadze:

Ndafara zvikuru nemashoko enyu. VaMtukudzi vakaimba vachiti, "Ziva rudzi rwako, dzindza rako, nekwaunobva". Ngatiremekedzei rudzi rwedu.


T. Malone said...

could you tell me more about the Chikonamombe/mhara totem. I come exactly from Mhondoro and last name is Kaseke. Where did these people come from and why this totem

James Chikonamombe said...


So sorry for the late reply; I had an important project I was working on. Tererai munzwe/please note carefully: it's inconvenient and awkward for Shona-speaking peoples to trace their ancestry through their last-names. The key-marker is not the last-name but rather the totem (mitupo), praise-name (chidawo) and clan-lineage name (for example ours is Maromo). I repeat: doing a historical trace using your last name (like Kaseke) is fraught with difficulties.

Thank you/ndatenda

Unknown said...

Hello vanhu vaShe

I am looking for a general explanation of anaMasiziva Gova as well as anaSave. If anyone can help ndingawanao zororo veduwee.


James Chikonamombe said...

Hello Rumbidzai. On vanaSave please check my earlier comments. I always direct readers to the books of Hodza & Chigwedere, who cover much of the cultural questions you ask.

On the "Gova": there is a Zambian tribe who go by "Goba" who reside in the Zambezi Valley; who speak a dialect of the Shona language; and who trace their origins to present-day Masvingo Province. They have detailed oral (and some written) history of their cultural origins. It might be worth your while to do some research into these "Goba" people to see if they are the missing cultural link to the "Gova" people you refer to.

Thank you/Ndatenda

emarketing solutions said...

Mukoma James can you please tell me more about my history. Ndiri Nyakuvengwa my great grand parents migrated to shurugwi all I know is ndiri muchan'ani. My dad and my uncles don't seem to know much about our history and my grandparents died when I was young.

James Chikonamombe said...

To "Nyakuvengwa",
All African identities are extremely complex and I must say that, in my experience, I've found the Chan'ani identity to be the most complex of all. Machan'ani are found throughout Zimbabwe, and not just in the Lowveld as is commonly thought. Furthermore, they are especially interspersed amongst the Manyika, Ndau and Karanga communities.

Even in my native Chikomba, we have a sizeable number of folks who tag themselves as Shangaans, even though they and their clan have been domiciled in Chikomba for three or four generations. For example,my late mufundisi grandfather had a fellow mufindisi named vaZava (Xaba) who was a Shangaan.

I would advise you to start with oral history. Go to your older relatives and have them narrate their clan histories. Note this history down. I would also have you go through the academic journal storage JSTOR; they have a lot of material on the Shangaans of Zimbabwe's Lowveld as well as Southern Mozambique. If you do not have access to JSTOR, I suggest that you purchase their temporary pass throughn JPASS (for a small fee).

Thank you/Ndatenda/Ngiyabonga

Unknown said...

Chikonamombe Mhondoro, ndizvo zvandiri kutsvaga izvi, vakuru vakaenda vasina kutipa nhoroondo yedu yakakwana. ndafarira nyaya yemitupo iyi. ndipeiwo wechikonamombe uzere, vandadvunza vese hapana agona kundipindura.

James Chikonamombe said...

To Ketayi:

Munun'una, please forward your email address to and I'll email you the answer to your query.

Unknown said...

Ndiwudzeyiwo nezvana namaposa, wamambo. Vanobva kwaZimuto kumaSvingo. Thanka

Dziva Pakuru said...

Makadini vedare, ndikutsvagawo detembo rizere re Dziva Pakuru Save from Buhera

James Chikonamombe said...

Kwazuwai Dziva Pakuru:
Please refer to earlier comments for Save Dziva detembo.


James Chikonamombe said...

Hello Ruth Jongwe Chitauro:

For the "Porcupine People" (Maphosa) I will refer you to the books of the late historian, DR Stan Mudenge. He wrote in detail about the various peoples of Masvingo Province (mainly Karanga culture) and how they came to be.

Thank you/Ndatenda

Unknown said...

Ndaona anyora kuti Muperekwa, Maromo naMashayamombe vana vemnhu mumwechete asi sokuziva kwangu Mashayamombe akange aine zita rake raakapuwa nevabereki vake nokuti rekuti Mashayamombe akazo piwa naNyamweda mushure mekubasitsira kurwa hondo ndokukunda. Nokudaro zita rake chairo raimbonzi ani uye Maromo akaendepi nokuti Muperekwa naMashayamombe vari Mhondoro. ndibatsireiwo ipapa ndinogona kunge ndakarasika.

James Chikonamombe said...

Ketayi Mtongwizo:

Muperekwa left the Dzete area in Murehwa (presently under Chief Mangwende) and settled in Chivhumdhara (i.e Chivhu). His oldest son was named Nyakuvambwa, and later on he would come to be known as Maromo. This is the Chieftainship lineage to which I, James Chikonamombe, belong to.

Muperekwa's younger son was named Koroka, and he would leave Chivhumdhara for Mhondoro to seek greener opportunities. Later on in life Koroka came to be known as Mashayamombe and that was the beginning of the famous line of Mashayamombe Chiefs from Mhondoro.

Anonymous said...

can you please tell me what animal KUMBI is. My surname is Mbeulani and I come from Sanyati

Anonymous said...

Anyone know what KUMBI is? my grandfather thought it was some kind of animal but my dad says its abbird si I need clarification on this issue

Unknown said...

Pane anoziyawo here verudzi rwekwa Matemai?? vanhu ava vanoyerei uye vanobva papi munyika yedu ye zimbabwe.

Unknown said...

Saka Koroka (Mashayamombe) akabva kuchivhu nenyaya yekutsvaga pekugara pakamukodzera chete here, ndakambonzwa kuti pakaitika hondo zvichibva pakuti chikonamombe akaramba kunogadzwa humambo nemandevere. Izvi zvinova zvakaita kuti vachena vamuti munhu anonetsa asingateerere nokudaro vaida kuparadza rudzi rwake. chikonamombe achinzwa izvi akaronga nemachinda akasimuka achibva mudunhu maaiva. Panevakasara zvinonzi vakadzi vakasvikotorwa machinda ndokuraiwa asi aiva mukuru wavo akapiswa arimupenyu apa panzvimbo yeChikomba pavaiva. Uyu akasimuka aka enda achirwa achitora hupfumi kunyanya mombe uye aiva murwi mukuru zvinova zvakaita kuti abatsire Nyamweda anova akazomupa pekugara, kurwa hakuna kuperera ipapo nekuti Chinengundu akazotemesa vachena musoro ari pachikomo cheNjatara.

Ini handizivi kuti izvi zvineumboo here.

VaChifedza said...

Please can you assist me on how to recite the Hove totem (Masiziba).

Anonymous said...

Ko Chihwa ke?

Anonymous said...

Ndlovu and Hove Musasa for me please

Anonymous said...

I want to find out about vaera hwiza and the totem is something like mtambo.

maMoyo Charie

Anonymous said...


Ini ndiri Chikonaz weWedza. Tinodetemba tichiti,
"Maita Mharaa-a,
Mbuya Chikonamombe,
Chigumbu chine unye,
Varizvi Dzete,
Vanokohwa nyemba vakavhotomaraaa"

Anonymous said...

Matemai is Mbano from my knowledge. But on the Ndebele side we our totems include Mdolomba, Msendo, Sibuya. All these seem to be linked to Eastern Cape (Xhosa tribes) in South Africa. As a Mbano I know very little about the origin of my Mbano family. Ngiyabonga, enkosi.

Anonymous said...

It is interesting that we seem to know very little about our origins, but we have massacred and continue to marginalize each other on the basis of superficial classications (shona, ndebele, hutu, tutsi, Christian, Muslims), instead of leaving together as one big happy family that we aught to be. Mayuyu

Unknown said...

can someone help me solve the puzzle how two animals stand for the gwai totem,namely gwai-sheep and gora-bird of pray???????

Unknown said...

Ndipeiwo nhetembo yeNyati

ndiri muMaungwe wekwaMakoni

Unknown said...

Nyathi i guess has the ndebele/sotho side.and then there is Nyati on the shona mom is a Nyathi and they are sotho from gwanda.And then im a Mbano,ndebele ise.our totems be Msendo,buya,mdolomba,mathemabi,luphahla,

Anonymous said...

how do i praise machuma totem

Anonymous said...

my name is Mudzungairi Weshambo Chena: Ndinoera Shumba.
Ko, ana Gushungo manoerei chaizvo? Vamwe vanoti vanoera Shumba/Tsiwo? Some refer to them as Crocodile, or “Male Genetalia”, ndezvipi chaizvo?

We also have the Shumba clan. It is claimed that some Shumbas were given the totem dzemadzimai? Zvakafanana ne Shumba Nechinanga zvinonzi waive mwana wemwansikana. Who are Shumba-Bere, Shumba-Nyakuhuwa, Shumba-Sipambi, Shumba-Mhazi, Shumba-Yevashavi. Why in the Nyamuzihwa ndetembo they use female name Njapa? Does that mean, they are direct descent from mwana wemwanasikana? Did they migrate from South to the North or other way round?

Stephanie Tabva said...

matemai vanoyera nzou (elephant). My mother is a Matemai. Ndiri Wachituka ,simboti from the Tangwena tribe. Ndino yera ingwe (leopard)

Anonymous said...

Ndasangana nhasi ne App inotaura nezvemitupo nezvidawo zvemadzinza evanhu vemu Zimbabwe zvazoita kuti nditsvake pa dandemutande kusvika ndasanganazve nechirongwa chino. Hama ndibatsirei nepakadai apa.

Ini ndinoera Nondo, mukukura kwese ndakaudzwa kuti dzinza redu ndera vana Chirau uye chidawo chiri chekuti Mwendamberi, vana matanga kunwa, vanonwa musvidori, musiya vabvonga, matunga churu, chiminya miseve zvichienda zvakadaro. Mhuka inonzi Nondo pamwe haichawanikwi munyika medu nepamusaka pekuvhimwa zvakadarikidza, asi mu chirungu uinonzi Tsessebe. Kune anovivawo here zvakadzama maererano nemutupo uyu, uye kuti sei zita rekuti Mwendamberi richishandiswa zvekare nevaera shoko pamwe nevaera Shava.

Anonymous said...

vechikonamombe, kunyanya veimba yamashayamombe, pane angazivawo nyaya iyi: isu tiri vemutupo unonzi mhizha, vemahwemachena. tateguru wedu isu anonzi aiva mudzviti asi arimurwi wehondo.vanonzi vakabva kunzimbo iri pedyo ne plumtree/matobo vakatambirwa kwamashayamombe mhondoro, akapiwa mukadzi mwanasikana wamashayamombe vainzi vaMandikunda.his cousin was also a legendary akatambirwa akaroorawo imwe imba huru yeveNondo kwa Chirau around Zvimba/Makonde area. izvi zvakaitika before even 1st chimurenga, zvekuti by the time yakazoita outbreak ye 1st chimurenga our legendary tateguru anga atofa. tateguru wedu iyeye anonzi akazofira kwa chiremba (padhuze nema balancing rocks, asi vana vake vakazopfurira vachinanga neku hwedza vakazonobudira kwa murewa. saka iyezvino tiri kunonzi kwa chitimbe asi takagarisana nevechikonamombe vane ma surname anonzi ana gwashavanhu, mavura, chitimbe etc and anamudhara vangu vanogara vachiti vechikonamombe vese ava ndivana sekuru, amai verudzi rwedu.vakabva vese nanasekuru vedu pamwechete kumhondoro. pavakauya anasekuru vedu vakauyawo nevazukuru vavo vanoera gora mukuruwambwa vane surname yekuti bhowa. does anyone have a clue about this narrative, kunemi vechikonamombe? i was thinking of going down to the incumbent chief mashayamombe's kraal in mubaira to inquire more deeply about this piece of family history of ours. would it help, kana vasara vangadai vasinawo ruzivo?



Betty Weiss said...

As an American who enjoys visiting Zimbabwe, how should I answer when people there ask me "What is your totem?"

Unknown said...

hi guys,can someone please help me by telling me what NDORO TOTEM MEANS,please help

Unknown said...

Uri hama yamai vangu, ndimanondo amai vangu, ndeve kwaGovha vachibva kwaChihota.

Anonymous said...

Ndinoera marunga and i belong to the tavara tribe. Please tell me what are the women called and where did we originate from?

Anonymous said...

Nhai muera Shonga anotendwa sei

Unknown said...

Makasimba here mkoma James. Ndibetsereiwo nekwakabva vana Masunda vanoera Gumbo Madyirapazhe, zvakare vana Gumbo Madyirapzhe kune Chitova nechii zvakare.

Tatty said...

Hi what's the totem
ye mutupo unotendwa uchinzi wadyegora mutakura mombe mbudzi iri hata

Musutu said...

' Chuma ' Moyana ' Gwayi'.
Gwai Gumbi
Maita Gwai,
Chinhove changu chichi,
Vane chuma chisingaverengwi,
Vakatorerwa umambo namabvakure,
Isu hanzvadzi tisakashaya,
Vane imba yakazvarwa muRungu.
Maita Hwai yangu yiyi,
Ikachema kunofa dangwe,
Ukaidya unopera mazimo.
Maita vokwaChinhove changu chichi,
Vanofa chihwaihwai.
Maita zvenyu vari Ruvamba,
Vari Mharamasimbe.
Kuziva zvenyu vari Manyewe,
Vari Baramhanza,
Mazhinji ndoazere tsine.
Tatenda vari Mburwi,
Chakatyoka chiramwa ndochadaidze wacho,
Mhodzi yefodya kubarika panomera imwe.
Zvaitwa Gono;
Zvaitwa Gumbi:
Zvaitwa Gwai;
Maita Usanga, maita Chuma;
Vari kumiuya misere,
Maita vari Mhondoro;
Tatenda Chinhove changu chichi,
Zvaonekwa vari Doworo,
Maita mwana waGora;
Aiwa zvaonekwa Gwai rangu riri.

Sam Mutasa said...

My brother James Chikonamombe (or anyone with knowledge) what about vana Moyo Simboti? They are there in Chikomba District kwa Zinatsa and use the last names Zimbizi and some Mutasa

Unknown said...

guys pane munhu here ane mutopo wa MOYO samuriwo

Anonymous said...

Ndodawo kuziva ndiwo wangu iwoyo ndasva nemoyo wekuda kuziva vanhu vacho vanenge vashoma

Anonymous said...

Vehama ndibatsireiwo ndoda kuziva mutupo wangu I nondo yekwachirau mwendamberi ana mvura yadzongwa matanga kunwa. Mhuka yacho inenge mombe like inonzi tsetsebee nechirungu. Vanhu vacho vanenge vashoma. Muriko here vehama.

Unknown said...

Hallo everyone . James i am a Masibanda shumba hadzi. How are the
Lioness's hailed please. I love my totem so much for it defineds my strength and wellbeing. Ndatenda .

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kumbirayi nyachionjeka said...

My totem is tortoise kamba originating from nyanga and dembetero yacho is, Gwai ,Gumbi, nyahwari, mukota,muchena, shuma-shewusaru, shuma - shevutungwa, goride etc. Now from my understanding this has some praises that are similar to a certain degree as the praises from mashonaland and masvingo but largely the praises are different they differ on the animal they call their totem too. in the later 2 the animal referred to as the totem is a sheep but chuma in manicaland(watsomba area, honde valley, nyanga etc) all the way to tete province in mozambique is a tortoise. mukota actually refers to a place in mozambique(tete province) where a tree that never dies grew. the praise associated with gwai in mashonaland and masvingo refer to places and ancestry that has nothing to do with the kamba totem people of manica. the tortoise totem is inclined towards the people of mozambique and its popular till today. The gwai, hwayi totem is mostly a masvingo and mashonaland totem. the ndebele equivalent totem is Tshuma golide mageza ngochago, gumbi etc but there is no mention of an animal it is not clear whether the originators of the praises left it out so that they identify with nguni norms noone knows. in Nguni culture totems are not animals, its either the character or actions of that person(ancestor) that leads to a totem. No true nguni has an animal as a totem or surname. i think the word totem takes on a different meaning with these people. Most animal bearing peoples among the ndebele are from the ancestore who were assimilated from other groupings like tswana, suthu, venda, kalanga and shona.

Anonymous said...

Ini ndinoyera Shumba Chikara, I have searched how and low for the praise poem to no luck. Can someone help.

Unknown said...

Ini my grandparents are not from Zim they are from Malawi. Ndinoyera Chisale and have no idea what it is.. I believe someone out there has an idea and can help

James Chikonamombe said...

Hello Susan Mbero. As you know we in Zimbabwe experienced heavy immigration from Malawi during the colonial era. In fact some "Native" Townships like Gillingham (now Dzivaresekwa) were expressly built to house Malawian domestic workers working for Europeans in the White low-density areas. However, as for Malawian cultural history I cannot help you. This is an exhaustive, distinct and unique investigative area of its own, and I suggest you start by going to Facebook and researching the Malawian historical threads that are there.

I Hope this answer is to your benefit.

Anonymous said...

Hello everyone

Ndiri weShumba Madzore yokwaBere. Can someone help me with our Detembo. I believe we are linked to Chief Chivi but we are not Murambwi we are Madzore.

Grace Chirau said...

Ndiri nondo neniwo tiri vashoma some1 told me kuti mhuka yacho inonzi red hartebeest hanzi ndiyo nondo i dont no much hangu ndiri kuto tsvangwo zvizhinji nezve mwendamberi

Unknown said...

Thank you for your blog Manyuka. I am a Chikonamombe from Seke, but my father told me a story which I haven't verified, partly because he usually told me when he was drunk.

My grandfather came from Mhondoro, Mashayamombe area and settled in Seke, his name was Tokwana (and my father always insists this should be my surname) but what I want to verify is the fact that my father told me our clan came from southern Zimbabwe, my research has led me to find a tribe and a village of the Kalanga in the Plumtree area who go by the name Tokwana. Are there any Chikonamombes who can be traced from outside the Chivhu-Mhondoro area? Or could it be they adopted this totem?
There's also a reference especially to my sister's as Mandala.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Can you please help me with the lineages of any totems and the founding ancestors. Thank you

Unknown said...

Help me with detembo reMoyo yekwaMukaro, vanaNyakuvengwa

Unknown said...

My totem is Humba Makombe. Please could you explain my/our clans history. Kumusha is kwaMurehwa, Musami to be exact, but according to my family my grandfather moved the from Dohwa. Before that i have no idea where we originated from. I have head that originally we migrated from Mozambique and out surname changed from Peter to Mutamba. I would appreciate the help. Thank you.

Manu said...

They are the same. Gova nyakuzvidzwa. Vazvidzidzwi vasina zvivi. Males Save/Siziba, females Masiziva

Manu said...

Those that use surname Hove mostly are from the Mazvihwa but they were originally from chief Musikavanhu(Msika)

Anonymous said...

Ini ndiriChirau Mwendamberi. Makasimba here?

Unknown said...

Insightful stuff. Keep it up chikonas

Unknown said...

Chikonamombe ini am a mampala from Chivu and our ancestor is Maromo i say so coz my grandfather was suppossed to be the chief Maromo asi hanzi hushe vakatoregwa nevemba yekwaMombeshora.Isu tinotove nenzvimbo inonzi kwaMaromo so pavatatu vataurwa vaya Mashayamombe Maromo nani zviya ndinoti Maromo settled in the Chivu area after Range(Rare) before Nharira. Aiwa mukasvika ikoko tizere kune vanoshandisa masurname anoti Hokonya, Dondo(Dhondo), Chimhenga/Nhau, Nhinhi/Chitedure.Tichiinavo vatana vari kutiudza history yedu and i can say this topic inondifadza. Am a proud Mhara and ndikawana anoera mutupo iwoyu ndofara chose nekuti ndoziva tiri vamwe Mhara haina mipatsa.

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting. I’m Gwai Machuma and we are not allowed to touch tortoise or crocodile. We come from Nyanga too (although I’ve not been yet...I would love to) and when I asked my dad about our history he doesn’t know much but he said we are from Mozambique (Sena people) and his grandpa told him that our surname (Mutsonziwa) means come from the sea. Others say it means anointed one. Do you know how I can find out more about my people and our history from now until antiquity? Are there any elders in Nyanga you can refer me to?

Anonymous said...

Hi James, I’m really enjoying your blog. Anyway, I understand there are 12 original totems that existed in antiquity before our people started migrating south and west from the NE of Africa. As the groups/families grew, they split into other totems and now there are 100s and not 12. Do you know if it is possible to trace your totem (mine is Gwai Machuma, from Nyanga, animal is tortoise) back to one of the original 12? I’m in Zim at the moment and two tortoises have come to visit since my arrival at home. Does this mean anything? My mum thinks it might be evil but if that is my totem animal I’m not convinced it is evil when I see them. Just should not touch them of course.

Anonymous said...

Hey I am also Gwai Machuma. It is said our great grandfather was Chief Chyambuka who was the Chief in Shurugwi long back. He was killed during the war on a certain mountain there but his son was still too young to be given the chieftainship thus mwana wehanzvadzi akafanobatiswa hushe, heard people with the surname Nhema. However akazoramba nehushe when the rightful heir to the throne was old enough. Thats where "makatorerwa umambo nemabvakure comes from."

Maita Gwai,
Chinhove changu chichi,
Vane chuma chisingaverengwi,
Vakatorerwa umambo namabvakure,
Isu hanzvadzi tisakashaya,
Vane imba yakazvarwa muRungu.
Maita Hwai yangu yiyi,
Ikachema kunofa dangwe,
Ukaidya unopera mazimo.
Maita vokwaChinhove changu chichi,
Vanofa chihwaihwai.
Maita zvenyu vari Ruvamba,
Vari Mharamasimbe.
Kuziva zvenyu vari Manyewe,
Vari Baramhanza,
Mazhinji ndoazere tsine.
Tatenda vari Mburwi,
Chakatyoka chiramwa ndochadaidze wacho,
Mhodzi yefodya kubarika panomera imwe.
Zvaitwa Gono;
Zvaitwa Gumbi:
Zvaitwa Gwai;
Maita Usanga, maita Chuma;
Vari kumiuya misere,
Maita vari Mhondoro;
Tatenda Chinhove changu chichi,
Zvaonekwa vari Doworo,
Maita mwana waGora;
Aiwa zvaonekwa Gwai rangu riri.

Unknown said...

vakadzi ndiana Ngonya ana mbwetete

Unknown said...

Mhoroi. Ko vasikana vanoera soko vanodanwa kunzi chii,

Anonymous said...

Vana Sibabda from Chipinge vaboyereu. Heard its Shumba could.that be true

Tafadzwa Soko Mukanya said...

Ndiri wekwa Mangwiro mutupo uri Mhokore.Ndinoda kuziva kuti mutupo Wangu ndinodetemba sei.Kuti Mangwiro zvinorevei?

Unknown said...

Ko vana Marunga/Malunga,Ziendanomudenga, muera hangaiwa ,

Unknown said...

Ko vana Marunga/Malunga,Ziendanomudenga, muera hangaiwa ,

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Even nowhen people are beine dislocated to various places to pave way for infrastructural development eg roads, minespecially, dams etc

Unknown said...

Ndizvo Gwai Maita Chuma

Unknown said...

Can you pliz assist by general information on Chirenje veku Chiri from Moza

Unknown said...

Hie just wanted to find out kuty vakadzi vanoera chihwa vanonzi vanaani i know of vaera shumba ndivana masibanda isu vaera soko tiri vana mancube now i want to know the female clan name for my daughters vanoera chihwa

Susan chimunda said...

Very interesting blog have been going through past comments and seems the people of gwai chuma dont know if we are tortoise or sheep can someone enlighten me with the nhetembo fpr kamba its quite troubling

Unknown said...

Thank you so muc for a wonderful Blog. May you please help me with a detembo rematendo evanoera Nondo,maita ba

Shambala said...

Vanoera Chisare vanoerei pachishona
In short what is Chidade in shona

Shambala said...

In Shona what is Chisare corrected

Unknown said...

May i know more about my history as Chikonan'ombe

Tofara said...

If you are black, many Africans will take it for granted that you have a totem. So it’s an awkward situation. I’ve always felt that we could link African totems to DNA. Those diasporan blacks who have lost their totems could reclaim them through the totem-DNA system.

Ree said...

Hi, appreciate this blog post and would like to know about two lineages: sigauke and samuriwo mutupo wavo, nekwavanobva & detembo....I would greatly appreciate it.

Unknown said...

kwazuvai. ndinokumbirawo kunzwa wo zvizere pamusoro nondo mwendamberi uye kudetemba kwainofanira kuitwa. ndinoona kunge mutupo uyu ukataura nezvawo vanhu havanyatsouziva

Nyasha Chiparaushe said...

Makadii thank you James im a tembo ndikumbirawo more history? Ndatenda x

Tafadzwa Soko Mukanya said...

I want to find out more about the origin of the mangwiro name.I only know that my totem is soko mukanya,mhokore.I am somehow related to Muteiwa as well.

Unknown said...

I want to know kuti vakadzi vanosheedzwa kuti ana "mandlela" vanoyera mutupo upi?

Anonymous said...

Vakadzi ndivana Mangwenya. Varume is also vana Chisora

Mawere said...

True. I am of the Gova clan.

Unknown said...

I am from Masvingo, Chivi district in area called Shindi. There we are very big family of vaera Shava Mhara. We are chiefs of that area. I am proud to hear that history from you. Is this lineage linked to that one from Mhondoro. Need a track history. This year we are holdi g a family show of Shsva Mhara so need full info. Or we may meet with some people like you. Please whatsapp me @ 0776308512 need your help.

Chenge said...

Mwanasikana we anoera Nzou Samanyanga anonzi chii. Thanks vachabatsira

diana said...

Hello. Ko mdandichidawo kubvunza kuti vanoera Chihwa vanobvepi. Uye vakadzi vanotendwa vachonzii?

Unknown said...

Same here

Unknown said...

Brother James, vanobvunza vanasikana ko nhai baba kuti tizonzi 'anaAmaromo'zvakabvepi? Zvichirevei? Kwaiva kutukwa here? Kwaiva kurumbidzwa here? Maromo aya is it literal or there is a hidden meaning? Yekuti kudini? Tibatsireiwo netsananguro izere kana muinayo. B. Kadye...Chikonamombe wepaSadza makare muChikomba.

jimlex said...

anyone know chidawu chevanoera shato

jimlex said...

anyone know chidawu chevanoera shato

Unknown said...

Rega ndikupindure ndichiti, vanhu vanoera Chihwa vanoera Bonga (wild cat). Chivha chakabva Gorongoza in Mozambique, Kwakupinda kwa Mtambara kunova izvozvi as we speak variko hobho vanaChihwa vaera bonga. Vamwe vavo vakazonopinda mubocha vakatanga kuzviita ana Murambwi or Murambwa, ukaenda kwaRusape ku Devedzo unonovawana futi variko ikoko.

Unknown said...

Vanasikana ve vayera bonga vanonzi ana Masibanda

Anonymous said...

Manondo woye... Mwana waChirau

Unknown said...

Makadii ndokumbirawo kubvunza mutopo Wana nyere mapara wakabvepi uye unodetembwa sei vakadzi kana varume vanodanwa sei

T. Chibvongodze said...

Mukuru Chikonamombe nevamwe munoziva here nezve mutupo unonzi shumba Zangata vanobuda nekupi.

T. Chibvongodze said...

Mukuru James Chikonamombe munozivawo here nezve mutupo unonzi Shumba Zangata unobuda nekupi

T. Chibvongodze said...

Mukuru James Chikonamombe munozivawo here nezve mutupo unonzi Shumba Zangata unobuda nekupi

Unknown said...

Ini ndoda kuziva why tichidaidza madzimai nehanzvadzi dzedu pamitupo apa nendebele eg masiziba, masibanda, mancube, mandlovu, mamoyo etc.... ko how do we call them in shona especialy those i listed above. Thank you..... by the way ini ndiri Dziva Sambiri Ganda. Chirombo chinobvondora mvura.

Unknown said...

ndoda kuzivawo nezve mutupo we shumba gwara...inonzi futi shumba samaita kana shumba tembo. ndoda kuziva kuti wakabvepi and sei pachisanganiswa mhuka mbiri , shumba nembizi pamutupo 1

Nceba msweli said...

Ko vakadzi vanoera mbada vanodaidzwa vachinzi chii

Mhofu said...

Hie guys what do we Chidawo in English

Anonymous said...

Vaera Gwai vanobvepi their origins

Unknown said...

makadini Hama dzinodyiwa,ndibvunzewo pane, panewo here vanhu vanoyera Chipembere uye vanosheedzwa vachiziva chii.

Unknown said...

Iniwo ndirimuera mondo,makazozivawo here kuti unodetembwa sei,ndaifunga kuti muchirungu I stag

Unknown said...

My husband is also a Ndoro. I also want to know the meaning please help

Unknown said...

Makadini Hama ndokumbirawo rubatsiro ini ndinoera hove yekwamusaigwa wegono handizi inodetembewa sei

Unknown said...

vanoera gumbo reHuku or nzondora dzeShiri family

Chikonaz said...

Thats so accurate and yet sad. Hushe ndehwe imba yaZongoro mwana wake Chimhenga. The late Mombeshora who became chief for less than 2 years akanga abatsirwa kuba. Rigging iriko kwese kusanganisira nehutongi hwematunhu asi handifungi kuti madzinza anozvitendera.

Unknown said...

I really don't thk zvechidao Zvinoitwa nechirungu

Unknown said...

Mancube i soko kana ndisina kukanganisa

Unknown said...

Wow ..this is an interesting topic about mitupo ....wangu still confuses me.Tinonzi anaChirenje ...may you please shed more light on this one ...thank you in advance

Unknown said...

I am Shumba Gwara I am desperately looking for the detembo would like to surprise my father with it engraved on a placard please may you help if you have it may you email it on

Unknown said...

I am Shumba Gwara I am desperately looking for the detembo would like to surprise my father with it engraved on a placard please may you help if you have it may you email it on

Unknown said...

Samaita Njuma..

Anonymous said...

Ndokumbirao kuziva kuti vakadzi vanoera nondo vanodedzwa kuti chii sezvo varume iri mwendamberi ko vasikana vanonzi vanaani.

majorie white said...

I would love to know as well ndinoyera Chirenje from Mozambique

Nyasha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Nyasha said...

My name is Nyasha L Chiparaushe of the Tembo Samaita Clan. I do not know much about my clan history and where we originated from, but all I know is our clan names.
Please can you contact me with any info via


Anonymous said...

pana va Garwe Chihwa here pano? vaera Mbwa Mhumhi, Hushe whekwa Mutambara Chimanimani
pane angagone kutsanangura clearly why mutupo uchinzi waka guriranwa

Nyasha said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Maita Humba, 
Mwana waMakombe, Chomera, 
Maita Nguruve, Mutakurwa, 
Zvaitwa tateguru wangu Makombe, 
Maita waDukudza, ari Jekacheka. 
Maita Chirema, 
Mapadza aripo, 
Asi muchiapa veranda, 
Maita vari Barwe, Gwindingwi guru, 
Vanodzira imba namatope, 
Muno muromo unenge gombe rokucheresa mvura. 
Zvaitwa Nyanguru, 
Makapedza rudzi rwavamwe nenyuchi, 
Maita VaKarota, 
Zvaonekwa Rima, 
Tatenda VaChevakaranga naChibonoyo. 
Zvaitwa waGosa, 
Mwana waZunzangara. 
Maita vari Karomokapuwe. 
Tinotenda vari Matitima. 
Kuna Nyadekese, kuna Zambezi. 
Aiwa zvaitwa mwana waMatope. 
Zvaonekwa Nyanguru. 
Zvaonekwa Humba. 
Nguruve, Chitambanamatope

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Ndinodawo kuziva kuti Maposa inodetemmbwa sei

Anonymous said...

Makadii henyu, mungandibatsirewo here nekundizivisawo kuti mutupo unonzi Chirenje, vanhu vacho vanoyerei?

Unknown said...

Makadii ini ndoda kubatsirwa kudetemba nondo mwendamberi

Unknown said...

Makadii nhai mutupo unonzi moto unodetembwa sei

Mbuya Chikonamombe said...

James, it is said when Maromo (Nyakuvambwa) and Koroka (Chinengundu Mashayamombe) moved from Dzete, they left their father there. Who was this father? Did he have brothers and other relations there? I am asking because there are other people who are said to be brothers to Maromo and Koroka Mashayamombe. These include Nyambwizu (tateguru wavanaGwashavanhu vari kwaMurehwa), Mushowani (Madziwa in Mash Central), Mapfumo (Guruve), Gatsi and Zondo. I am trying to connect the dots and get these people in the same hut at some point in the distant past but I seem to be drawing blanks. With your level of research you could greatly assist if you have the information.

Anonymous said...

Makadini vadare?
Ndokumbirawo kuziva nezvemutupo unonzi Nhire/Gwizo/Mugombi/Chimaherani (Springhare). Kana pane vanoziva kudetembewa kwawo ndingafara chose.

Olivia said...

This is an intresting blog,i really appreciate this.Ndiri muyera Kamba ndobve Nyanga asi ndikushayawo nhetembo yacho.From previous comments i saw hapana akunyatsoziva madetemberwo ndokumbirawo kana paine angazive andiudzewo pa email yangu.thanx kune

Unknown said...

Makadii Kasi mutipow
Wekuti gwizo hausi wemu zimbabwe kani

Anonymous said...

Makadii ndokumbirawo kuziva poetry ye mutupo unonzi nhire/ gwizo

Masiziba said...

Makadii, tinonzi Kachipare, sekuru vainzi Mbadzo. Takabva ku Tete, Mozambique. Ndakambonzwa shoko rekuti 'Sena'. Mutupo Save/Masiziba. Ndinodetemba ndichiti chii? Mhuka yacho ndeipi? Pane basa. Ndibatsireiwo.

Unknown said...

Chirenje mutupo haina kupindurwa

Unknown said...

Also looking for this ndirikutodawo kubetserwa detembo racho

Unknown said...

Mutupo weShumba Gwara,ichinzizve Samaita unodetembwa sei

Unknown said...

Mkoma James makadii?Ndinotenda zvikurusa ne platform iyi.Ini ndinonzi Phillimon Mutingwende, baba vangu vakashaya kare ndiri mudiki zvekuti handina kukwanisa kuvabvunza nanhasi handina wekubvunza.Ndiri muera Gwai Chuma, ndinodawo kuziva kuti isu vaera Gwai takabvepi,Madzitateguru edu ndivaani.Ndikuona sekunge Mutupo Gwai Chuma usina mukurumbira munyika yeZimbabwe.Kana pane mabhuku angabatsireiwo neruzivo kuti ndingamawane sei.
Ndatenda, ndovimba ruzhinji muchandibatsira neruzivo rupi zvarwo rwamunarwo maringe neChidawo changu.

Unknown said...

Makadii mkoma James naMbuya Chikonamombe.Ndafara kuvewo pablog yenyu, ndovimba ndichawana rwese ruzivo rwandoda.Ini ndinonzi Phillimon Mutingwende, muera hwai/Gwai. Ndinodawo kuziva history yedzinza rangu, eg,takabvepi,tikasvikogara kupi muZimbabwe.Tinonzi takatorerwa hushe kupi,nani,zvaitasei.Sei tisina kunyanyo kurumbira seimwe mitupo.Ndatenda kune vose vachandibatsira.

Unknown said...

Makadii mkoma James. Ini ndinonzi Chiguvare weku Rushinga. Sekuru vedu Chiguvare vanonzi vaishanda kumigodhi yeWenera. Vaiendako voita nguva vozodzoka. Apa vaigara ku Mhondoro. Neimwe nguva vachibva Wenera vakasangana nemumwe musikanaka uyo vakazotevera naye kuenda kumusha kwake kwa Dotito kunonzi kwa Kawara. Vavakuzodzoka kuenda Wenera vanonzi vakarwiswa nechapungu ndokubva vatobatira urwere hwakazovasvitsa pakufa. Vakavigirwa ko kwaanatezvara vavo. Baba vedu vakazobvako kwa Kawara kuma 1960s voenda kuchesa nekuRushinga kunova kwatiri zvino. Hatina kuziva hama dza sekuru vedu kusvika zvino kunze kwevana vavo chete. Asi vaibva Mhondoro uye vari vana Mhara Chikonamombe.

Maneswa said...

Can you tell me history of Gwai Gumbi ana Kamba

Unknown said...

Makadii ndokumbirawo kuziwa mutup0 wenyere mapara

Anonymous said...

Kwaziwai ndokumbirawo kuziva mutupo we kamba yemumvura and it's origin

Anonymous said...


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